Category Archives: Prayer

In this Advent Season…

In this advent season,
waiting & watching,
Known & unknown,
Certainty & uncertainty,
Hopeful & hopeless,
Stability & instability,
in the now & yet to be,
We pray for peace & love,
Grace & wisdom,
Justice & hope,
For all those who make decisions now, which impact what will be.

Originally written on 12th December 2018, in light of the Brexit ‘meaningful vote’


As I walk in the dim light of a November afternoon,
the week’s struggles turning in the mind,
Jesus be light to me.

As the fading wind of the mornings storm blows against my face,
the burdens of ministry feeling weighty,
Jesus be hope to me.

As autumns patchwork of browns, yellows and reds
tuck themselves into crevasses and corners,
in uncertainty of what the next week will bring,
Jesus be with me.

Jesus be light to me.
Jesus be hope to me.
Jesus be with me.

A prayer for Remembrance Sunday

Rev Dan shares a prayer form Remembrance Sunday, as we stand together in remembrance of our past and seek God’s hope for our future.

Life-giving God,
Who breathed life into this world,
and breathed the beauty of our diversity into humanity.

On this day of remembrance,
we remember today, the perils of prejudice and violence,
and the cost of war and conflict.

Peace-giving God,
we remember Jesus,
Who lived a life of peace and justice.
Help us to live our lives as a reflection of the character of Jesus.

Hope-giving God,
Help us learn from humanity’s past,
Stir us to action to stand against injustice,
to boldly strive for peace in our communities and our world.
And show infinite love towards our neighbour.
As we strive towards a world overflowing with justice, hope, peace and love.


Downloadable PDF

A prayer for all saints day

A prayer for all Saints day

God of all time, all space, all creation,
We Thank you for the lives of people around us,
Past and present,
Friends, family, colleagues.

People to nurture us and help us,
Challenge us and inspire us.

May their living and loving,
Serving and caring,
Reveal to us your love and grace,

And inspire us to live and love, serve and care for others,
To the best we can,
In all the ways we can,
To all the people we can,
As long as we ever can.

by Rev Dan Balsdon, first published 1st November 2020
Some words based on words of John Wesley

Downloadable PDF Version

Prayer A-Z during the coronavirus pandemic

A guest contribution to from Mel Leech, member at Felpham Methodist Church, West Sussex.

After the cancellation of the London Marathon people began doing 26 things…26 circuits of their gardens, 26 press ups… Mel was thinking that the alphabet has 26 letters and came up with 26 things that we could pray for or give thanks for during lock-down. (In fact Mel ended up with more than 26!)

A-Z Prayer

The Ambulance Service will not be over-whelmed.

Bus Drivers will be protected and the Bereaved will be comforted.

Carers working in Care-homes will be recognised for all that they do.

Doctors and Delivery drivers – both so important, and needing our prayers

The Elderly will not be forgotten and have the care they need.

Friends and Family: show them in any way we can how much they are appreciated

Give thanks for our Gardens and pray for those who don’t have one.
Grandparents missing their Grandchildren

Health visitors as they continue to visit the vulnerable.

Intensive Care Units and the patients being treated and the staff caring for them.

Newly qualified Junior doctors and nurses who have been ‘thrown in the deep-end’.

Be Kind to each-other (no need to say more)

Lord ‘what are we to Learn from all this?’

People’s Mental Health – and those who find Isolation particularly difficult.

Contact with Neighbours and seeing they are in need of anything we can help them with and of course continue to pray and give thanks for our NHS.

Give thanks that One Day this will come to an end.

Paramedics as they work on the front-line bringing help as fast as they can.
Remember the Prime Minister as he continues to fully recover and copes with the responsibilities of his job.

Pray Quarantine measures will continue to work.  
Pray for the Queen and that her faith will inspire and encourage the nation.

There is a sufficient supply of Respirators.

Supermarket shop-workers and those who are ‘shielding’ because of health issues.

Give thanks for the Telephone to keep in contact with each-other. Teachers as they try to continue to give lessons ‘on-line’.

Let’s show ‘Understanding’

Give thanks for those ‘Volunteers’ doing all they can to help the NHS, Farmers and Delivering necessary food parcels and medical supplies etc.

Thanks for daily Walks

Pray a ‘Vaccination’ will soon be found.

Young people – including children, at this, what must be, a very strange time for them.

Give thanks for ZOOM.


Download a copy of A-Z Prayer

What would you add?

Comment below – what would you add to this prayer A-Z?

Testimony Thursday: Dear God…

This week I share with you, not my words, but the prayerful words of a 5 year old girl who wanted to write a prayer yesterday morning. Working together, this is what she produced. #ProudDad

This 5 year old’s heart to say thank you to God made me realise how I have sometimes been distracted by other things that stop me from embracing and noticing all I have to be thankful to God for today.

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing,  give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Join the conversation

What does the prayer of this 5 year old inspire you to be thankful for? Why not share your thanks and prayers in the comment section below.