Category Archives: Poetry

Farewell 2023

And so we come,
To say farewell,
To 2023.
Through twists and turns,
And ups and downs,
An adventure we did see.

When the year began,
Home was still,
By sea in Bognor Regis.
Sea winds gusting,
Sea gulls squawking,
And lots that now we miss.

The months preparing,
To say goodbye
Were hard to say the least.
Letting go of what’s known,
And beginning the new,
Can be a scary beast.

Amidst it all,
Life threw some punches,
With Lydia unexpectedly under the knife.
One appendix less,
And now she’s better,
And back to being full of life.

Louise kept on crafting,
Wool, fabric and stiches
Stashed in every available corner.
Rebekah keeps writing,
And singing and dancing,
And Dan, well he just got a bit bolder.

The country saw a coronation,
And more u-turns than we want to remember,
Though at least Rwanda is paused for the mo,
And yet again
we didn’t win Eurovision,
But at least it Sam gave a good show.

And so we said
our fond goodbyes,
To work, to school, to friends.
Our lives packed up,
Into boxes on vans,
Our time in Bognor now ends.

And then we landed
In a new place,
Leatherhead was to become home.
It took some time,
But it’s become exciting
to have new spaces to roam.

We’ve felt loved, accepted,
And touched by the welcome
We’ve received from new neighbours and friends.
It’s made it much easier,
To let go of what was,
Though we still miss the people we’ve left.

So thanks to all those
Who’ve been part of our year,
Whether you’re near or far.
In the year that’s to come,
We pray you will know,
just how loved and appreciated you are.

New Year

New Year.
New Start.

Dare to Listen. 

Dare to Dream. 
Dare to Hope.
Dare to Love. 

Dare to Fly.
To soar on wings like eagles.
To run and not grow weary. 
To live in the strength and power of God. 

Don’t you know anything? Haven’t you been listening?
God doesn’t come and go. God lasts.
He’s Creator of all you can see or imagine.
He doesn’t get tired out, doesn’t pause to catch his breath.
And he knows everything, inside and out.
He energizes those who get tired,
    gives fresh strength to dropouts.

For even young people tire and drop out,
    young folk in their prime stumble and fall.

But those who wait upon God get fresh strength.
    They spread their wings and soar like eagles,
They run and don’t get tired,
    they walk and don’t lag behind.

Isaiah 40:28-31 (The Message)

Faith in the fog

Faith in the Fog
I drew away this morning, thinking I was going to a quiet place.
When I got there I could see only a few metres, the wind was howling, the rain soaking in.
Where was God in all this?

Then I realised. My life is a bit like that at the moment. I can’t see where I’m going.
This blowing at me from all directions.
Yet I hear the Lord say ‘have faith in the fog’.

So I will. I will have faith in you Lord. I believe.
I believe you will provide for me. I believe you have a plan for me.
I believe you hold my life in your hands.

So I stand in the cold.
The wet, the wind, the fog and say here I am. I am listening.
I will have faith in the fog.


Winter’s paint brush.
Earth’s Creator, Maker, Artist,
Displaying their skills,
As the familiar colours of our environment,
Are covered in hews of white.

The world, this place we inhabit,
looks different,
for now.

Windows are patterned with natural beauty,
As fingers of ice reach out to one another,
Swirling into into a masterpiece that will not last till lunchtime.

Earth’s Artist,
Offering a unique work of art
that is for our eyes this day, this moment.

The white frost captivates us,
We are made to notice the beauty of the simple things,
The things we too easily take for granted.

Cobwebs, frozen into lines of white.
Leaves, tinged with flecks of ice.
Grass, sprinkled with silver as sunbeams turn dawn to day.

Earth’s Creator,
Calls for our attention.
Saying “see, I made this. It is good.”

So we slow our pace,
Step onto the grass,
And hear the crunch underfoot,
With each stride we take.

Icy paths slow our footsteps
Make us pause,
take our time,
to enjoy the moment we have,
In this glistening white wonderland.

Earth’s Maker,
Saying slow down,
be still for a while,
rest in this moment.

We breathe out,
And as the warmth of our breath touches the icy winter air,
Our breath becomes obvious to us.
Visible proof that there is life within us.

Earth’s Creator, Maker, Artist,
Saying the beauty I breathe throughout this world,
I also breathe in you.

Downloadable PDF

prayer: Forgive the violence of our silence

A prayer in the midst of pandemic, protest & fear, responding to the violence witnessed on 13th June on British streets.

God of all,
Forgive the violence of our silence,
The ignorance of our actions,
The foolishness of our hatred.

God of all,
Bring peace were there is conflict,
Love where there is hate,
Calm where there is turmoil,
Welcome where there is rejection,
Justice where it is absent,
Safety where there is fear,
Healing where there is pain.

God of all,
Stir up within us the wisdom of your Spirit,
As we participate in your gospel,
challenge us, lead us and empower us,
Turn our feelings of shame into a striving for a transformation that values the lives of all.

To leave and remain…Part 2

The Sun rose.
The world awoke.
Another day.
The past week’s event almost forgotten.
Not for his followers.

The women gathered early.
Jesus might have left, but his body remained.
So they headed out to the tomb.

When they got there, the stone had moved and the body was gone.
All that remained were the burial clothes.
Now nothing remained. All had been taken.

And then, as Mary sat weeping,
Jesus appeared.
He didn’t leave.
Somehow he remained.

Mary ran to the others, told them Jesus lived.
They struggled to believe.

And then, then Jesus appeared.
I am alive, he declared.

“Now I must leave, I can’t be with you in person any longer.
But my Spirit will remain with you always.”

To this day, by his Spirit, Jesus remains.
Transforming lives and communities through his unconditional love,
and longing for us to remain in him and experience his love.

If you want to know more, come and explore at Felpham Methodist Church, or send us a message.

First published by Felpham Methodist Church, April 2019

To leave and remain… Part 1

The sky turned black.
The world watched…. and waited.
Jesus’ time seemed to be up.

He’d gathered with his friends, shared their final meal together.
“I will soon have to leave you” he said.
He’d gone to pray in the garden,
“Father, let this suffering leave me” he prayed.
Then he was betrayed.
handed over, put on trial.
His disciples scattered, leaving Jesus alone.

‘Crucify Him’ the crowd shouted.
So he was. Stripped. Flogged.
Marched up the hill.
And there, there he was killed.  
Hung from a cross and left to die.

Jesus had left.
His followers lost.
What to do now that Jesus no longer remained with them?

First published by Felpham Methodist Church, April 2019

As a new day dawns…

The birds break out with their dawning chorus,
The flowers awaken once again in their diverse array of colour,
Light breaks forth as morning comes,
As a new day dawns…

I breathe in the refreshing morning air,
I hear the sounds of life around,
I stay still a while as morning comes,
As a new day dawns…

What will this day bring? Busyness or rest?
Work or play? Challenge, opportunity?
Questions arrive as morning comes,
As a new day dawns…

Lord, be with me in all that comes my way today,
Be in all I do, all I think, all I say,
May I know your presence in my life as morning comes,
As a new day dawns…

© Dan Balsdon, April 2017